Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Strength Training While Losing Weight

strength training while losing weight

Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Strength Training While Losing Weight

It’s time to face the music: if you want to lose weight, strength training shouldn’t be put on the backburner. Avoiding it altogether can actually do more harm than good – and this article will show you why.

For far too long, people have been stuck in a rut when it comes to shedding kilos of body fat and getting fit. The same old advice of cutting calories and cardio-only has been preached from the rooftops for decades, leaving many feeling like they were “spinning their wheels” when trying to reach their goals. But recent research shows that strength training should be an essential part of any fitness program – especially for those looking to shed some extra fat.

In this article, we’ll break down exactly why strength training is so important when losing weight, as well as how much you should incorporate into your routine. So don’t just sit there – read on to learn why strength training shouldn’t get short shrift if you’re serious about slimming down!

1. Benefits Of Strength Training For Fat Loss

Strength training is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to fat loss – and yes, I mean that literally! It’s almost like a magical potion for weight loss with all the amazing benefits it has. From burning calories to increasing metabolism, strength training can be incredibly beneficial for those who want to shed some extra body fat.

Let’s dive into why you shouldn’t avoid strength training while losing weight: firstly, it boosts your calorie burn rate dramatically. Strength training helps build lean muscle mass; since muscles require more energy than fat, the increased muscle mass leads to higher calorie expenditure even at rest. This means you’ll have fewer cravings throughout the day which makes sticking to your diet much easier.

Secondly, strength training increases your metabolic rate over time as well. When we exercise our bodies become more efficient in their utilization of energy – this includes both during and after exercise. As your body gets used to lifting weights or doing other forms of resistance exercises, its efficiency will increase making it easier to lose excess body fat long-term without having to do any additional work afterwards. And last but not least, working out also releases endorphins which make us feel good and help reduce stress levels which can often lead people on a path towards unhealthy eating habits due to emotional triggers.

In short, if you are looking for ways to lose weight then incorporating strength training into your routine is definitely something worth considering as there are numerous benefits associated with it!

2. How Strength Training Can Help Burn Calories

Strength training is a great way to help you lose weight. It can work in combination with other exercises, like cardio and aerobics, to burn calories and increase your metabolic rate. It also helps build muscle mass which burns more fat than simply reducing caloric intake alone. You could effectively eat more food and burn more calories at the same time!

Strength training works by providing resistance for the body’s muscles. This resistance increases the demand on those muscles, causing them to contract harder and become stronger over time. With this increased strength comes improved calorie burning capacity – meaning that when done regularly, strength training helps you burn calories even at rest!

What’s more, because it builds muscle mass, strength training has a longer-term impact on how many calories you burn while actively exercising as well. By building lean muscle mass you create an efficient calorie burning machine that will continue working long after the session itself has finished. All of these factors combine to make strength training an excellent choice for anyone looking to boost their weight loss efforts.

3. Strategies For Incorporating Strength Training Into Your Fat Loss Routine

It’s a common theory that strength training isn’t important when it comes to losing weight, and many people choose to avoid the gym in favor of running or biking. But is this really the best way to get fit? While cardio certainly should be part of any fat loss routine, there are several reasons why strength training shouldn’t be overlooked.

One key benefit of strength training is increased calorie burn. Even after you finish your workout, your body continues burning calories at an accelerated rate as it rebuilds muscle tissue during recovery. This means that if done correctly, strength training will help you reach your fitness goals faster than just doing cardiovascular exercise alone.

But how do you incorporate such exercises into a healthy weight-loss plan? First off, start small and work up from there — focus on lighter weights with higher reps (10-12) and gradually increase intensity (and weight) over time when you can do 3 sets of the prescribed rep range. Secondly, create workouts that mix both compound movements (such as squats) with isolation exercises (like bicep curls). Finally, don’t forget to give yourself plenty of rest days so that your muscles have enough time to recover between sessions.

One of my favourite ways to do this is to aim to train 4 days per week with days 1 and 2 being an upper body and lower body day, resting day 3, performing another upper and lower body day for days 4 and 5 and incorporating other activities on days 6 and 7. This breaks up the routine but allows for weekend activities which are generally lower impact than a weight session.

By following these strategies for incorporating strength training into your weight loss routine, not only will you see results more quickly but also reduce the risk of injury due to strain on weak muscles. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced lifter, taking the time to build some lean muscle mass while shedding fat can make all the difference in achieving long-term success!

4. Potential Pitfalls To Avoid When Strength Training

Strength training is like a double-edged sword: it can have amazing benefits if done right, but it can also lead to dangerous missteps if not executed carefully. When trying to lose weight through strength training, there are some potential pitfalls that you should be aware of so that you don’t end up sabotaging your own progress.

One thing to keep in mind is the temptation to go too hard with the weights and exercises. While pushing yourself is important for achieving results, going overboard can result in injury or just an overall feeling of exhaustion from overexertion. It’s easier to stick with a routine if you take things slow and steady rather than trying to do too much at once. This will help ensure that you’re able to stay on track without burning out before you reach your goals.

Another factor to consider when strength training for weight loss purposes is maintaining proper nutrition. Eating too little while exercising heavily could cause more harm than good – after all, your body needs fuel both during and after physical activity in order to regenerate itself properly. Skipping meals or drastically reducing calories may seem tempting, but it won’t do anything except hinder your progress and put your health at risk. Paying attention to what goes into your body is essential for successful long-term weight loss achieved through strength training.

By understanding these traps and taking them into account as part of your plan, you’ll be well-equipped for success and able to avoid any unnecessary mistakes along the way!

5. Tips For Maximizing Results With Strength Training

Strength training is an important part of any weight-loss routine, and there are plenty of tips to help you maximize the results. First, it’s essential that you start small, with lighter weights or bodyweight exercises. This will allow your body to build up strength gradually, reducing risk for injury and helping you get comfortable with the movements. As you become stronger, challenge yourself by increasing weight or reps on each exercise.

This is the principle of progressive overload. It is a tried and tested method for strength and hypertrophy training.

Another tip is to focus on form over speed when doing a set; quality should always come before quantity. Make sure that every rep is done correctly so as not to strain muscles unnecessarily. Additionally, use multiple angles during workouts – go from low intensity sets to higher ones while varying the exercises used in order to keep things interesting and engaging.

Start with bigger compound movements like a squat or deadlift for example, progressing to more specific isolation exercises towards the end of the workout. Big compound movements require more energy and control, which you will have at the beginning of the workout. This also helps to pre-exhaust the muscle to a certain extent, which means when you’re isolating it towards the end of the workout, you can really work it hard to extract the best results.

Lastly, don’t forget about rest days! Your muscles need time to recover after intense workouts, so make sure you take at least one day off per week where you don’t do any strength training at all. Doing this can boost your progress significantly since proper rest helps facilitate muscle growth and repair. With these tips in mind, strength training can be a great way to reach your weight-loss goals faster and more effectively than ever!


In conclusion, strength training is an excellent way to help you reach your weight loss goals. It can help burn more calories and increase muscle mass while helping you avoid potential pitfalls like overtraining or injury. With the right strategies in place, incorporating strength training into your routine can maximize your results and have you seeing success sooner than you think.

One interesting statistic regarding strength training for weight loss is that a single session of resistance exercise has been shown to boost metabolism by 7-15%. This means that if you engage in regular strength training sessions, you could be burning extra calories even when not exercising–a great benefit!

My best advice for those looking to lose weight through strength training is to focus on form first and challenge yourself regularly with progressive overload. If done safely and correctly, this type of program will produce real results. So don’t hesitate—start now and experience the benefits of strength training for yourself!

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