Tag - preworkout

getting serious pre workout meme

Pre-Workouts: Part 2

Pre-Workouts: Part 2 Welcome to Part 2 of this special blog series on pre-workouts. If you haven't read Part 1 already, click here to fill yourself in. In Part 1 we covered the pitfalls and problems with pre-workouts. Hopefully you haven't been turned off them completely, because in this post we're going...

pre workout meme

Pre-Workouts: Part 1

Pre-Workouts: Part 1 Pre-Workouts are an awesome supplement. They're designed to boost your performance throughout your workout, by increasing energy, endurance, intensity and focus. The idea is that by increasing your ability to perform at a higher level during a workout, the sooner you will see results. Solid. There's a lot of bro-science and overhype...