Tag - fat

the science of fat burning

The Science Behind Fat Burning: How the Human Body Uses Adipose Tissue for Energy

Fat is an essential part of a healthy diet, but too little activity and too much food in general can lead to large amount of body fat being gained and a host of health problems. With so many people now overweight and obese it's important to understand that the condition...

We Did It For You – The Keto Diet – Part 1

We Did It For You - The Keto Diet | Part 1 Everyone seems to be raving about the Keto Diet at the moment. It’s being labelled as a “revolutionary cure" to some unfortunately common lifestyle diseases like diabetes and obesity. It’s pretty similar to the way people raved about the...

new years gym

Get Fit This New Years Resolution

Get Fit This New Years Resolution The new year is upon us and like so many other years, this is the year. This is the year you turn it all around and get your shit together with your health and fitness. This is the year you drop the kilos and pick...

Fat Shaming

Fat Shaming Fat Shaming - Making overweight people feel bad about themselves by calling them out on the issue publicly. Its back in the spotlight again at the moment due to Nicole Arbour's viral YouTube rant. Just in case you haven't seen it yet, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXFgNhyP4-A The video above went viral and was originally taken down as...

fat versus muscle weight

5 Common Fitness Mistakes

5 Common Fitness Mistakes We all make mistakes from time to time, that's human nature. Hopefully we learn from them. When we don't these can turn in to bad habits that take you off course with your health and fitness goals. Here are 5 mistakes you could be making on a...